Sculpted CoLorField 3D"painting," 24" x 36 x 5" Based on paintings "Silk Scarf" (see next images), "Orange" and "Annie's Cello"as fabric design

Mixed media, 40" x 60" Available. $3200 Available thru: Fulton Crossing Gallery, Fulton, CA. Created from the oil painting composition: "This Used to be the City [Now it's Green]" (See CoLorFields). Joni Mitchell sang of "paved paradise..." This piece is represents instead, the return of the pavement to a greener paradise. Photographed and transcribed to paper by Digital Grange studio, Petaluma, CA.

Sculpted CoLorField painting, 20" x 16" Mixed media (polyester, laytex paint, oil color). CA. $650 NFS Photographed by Jay Daniel, Black Cat Studio, Novato CA

Sculpted CoLorField 3D"painting," 24" x 36 x 5" Based on paintings "Silk Scarf" (see next images), "Orange" and "Annie's Cello"as fabric design